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I have written a number of short films that have screened all over the world at prestigious film festivals. My first short film, A Thousand Empty Glasses was nominated for best UK short at Raindance Film Festival and picked up for worldwide distribution, becoming a number one selling short on iTunes.


I have written period dramas, domestic dramas, and psychological thrillers through the lens of fantasy and sci-fi genres. My directorial short film debut Freedom of the People is the first in a series of films exploring events during the British Civil Wars and Protectorate.


I am currently producing independent mini-series Time Travelling (with myself).

Short films and web series

My latest projects
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In Production
Dir: Various
Wri: Various
Prod: Keeper's Daughter/The Seagull Theatre

Time Travelling (with myself) is an independent children's mini-series about a fastidious class prefect who must stop an unruly middle-aged time travelling version of himself from obliterating their future.

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Dir/Wri: Mark Finbow (adapted from Killing No Murder by "William Allen")
Prod: Eastern Association Productions/Keeper's Daughter

An exiled radical appeals to the Lord Protector to rescue England from Tyranny.


Winner of 'Best Super Short' at Monthly Future of Film Awards; Finalist at Athens International Monthly Art Film Festival.

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In Development

When the population of an isolated village are abducted by aliens an anxiety ridden police officer must evade shadowy forces and confront his own tragic memories in order to find the truth.

VP short film


Dir: Andrew Nolan

Wri: Mark Finbow

Prod: Take Cover Films


V.P. is a psychological drama about dogged Corporal Matt Parker who sets out to prove his masculinity after fighting testicular cancer.


Selected for Raindance Film Festival and INK Festival.




Dir/Wri: Mark Finbow

Prod: Eastern Association Productions/Keeper's Daughter


A devout Puritan must go to war against the crown if he is to secure the people of England's religious and political freedom.


Commissioned by The Seagull Theatre, with thanks to Arts Council England.


Winner of 'Best Micro Short Drama' at Berlin Flash Film Festival and awarded 'Best One Minute Film' at Beyond the Curve International Film Festival 2020; Finalist at Prague International Monthly Film Festival, Finalist at Kosice International Monthly Film Festival, Finalist at New Cinema Lisbon Monthly Film Festival, Finalist at UK Offline Web Fest, Finalist at Lisbon Monthly Film Festival; Semi-Finalist at Margate Film Festival; Selected for First-Time Filmmaker Sessions, UK Monthly Film Festival, Lake View International Film Festival, Cardora Micro-Movie Film Festival, MicroMania Film Festival, Micro Minute Film Festival and Worcester Film Festival.

Helen Vine in Roadside Oddities


Dir: Matthew Trett

Wri: Mark Finbow

Prod: Trett Films/Keeper's Daughter


Inspired by a true report, a young woman recounts her encounter with some strange hooded figures.


Selected for Inshort Film Festival; FilmOneFest; Lift-Off Sessions; Norwich Film Festival; Finalist at the 60 Second International Film Festival and won best micro short horror at Berlin Flash Film Festival.



Dir: Andrew Nolan

Wri: Mark Finbow

Prod: Take Cover Films


A drunken evening exposing long-held secrets forces a young man to make a life altering decision.


Nominated for best UK short at Raindance; selected for San Jose, Palm Springs, Frameline, Norwich Sound + Vision and INK Festival; No. 1 selling short on iTunes. 

© 2020 by Mark Finbow 

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